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Executive Members

Committed people with vision and commitment to take our community to higher level 

we are strong together
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contributing to our society upto best of my abilities.


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Vice  President

 contributing to our society upto best of my abilities.


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I am a Financial Adviser by profession and contributing to our society up to best of my abilities.


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Secretary - Cultural

contributing to our society upto best of my abilities.


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Prathima Acharya

Secretary - Religious

I am a Librarian by profession and contributing to our society upto best of my abilities.


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Rachita Gupta

Secretary - Communication

I am a Real estate property Manager by profession and contributing to our society upto best of my abilities.


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Secretary - Fundraising

contributing to our society up to best of my abilities.



Koti Reddy Myla

Secretary - Advisory

I am  a Physiotherapist by profession working at Medicinehat Physiotherapy Centre . I am trying to do as much as possible to contribute to our community, working on Building Hindu Temple in Medicinehat. I will try my best to excel our community, which is only possible with everybody help.



For any questions please contact through MHHA whatsapp group.

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